How To Backwash A Swimming Pool Filter
A pool filter is a crucial piece of equipment for maintaining clear, clean pool water. But, with time, the filter may accumulate material, reducing its effectiveness and resulting in cloudy water. Backwashing the filter is one method of keeping it clean and ensuring that it functions properly. We’ll go over how to correctly backwash a pool filter in this blog post.
- Before starting the backwashing procedure, turn off the pump to eliminate any potential risks.
- Where to find the multiport valve A multiport valve can be seen on the filter’s side. The water that passes through the filter is managed by this valve.
- Activate the backwash setting on the valve: Change the valve’s setting to “backwash.” The water will start flowing the other way as a result, which will help clear the filter of any debris that has built up inside.
- Start the pump: Restart the pump and let it run for about two minutes, or until the water in the waste pipe or sight glass is clear.
- The valve should be turned to the “rinse” position after the water in the sight glass or the waste pipe is clear. By doing this, the water flow through the filter will return to normal and any leftover particles will be flushed out.
- Switching off the pump Reposition the valve to the standard filter position after turning off the pump.
- A pressure gauge check Check the pressure gauge on the filter when the backwashing procedure is finished. The filter is still clogged and may need another backwash if the pressure reading exceeds the beginning pressure.
- Resuming regular operations: when the pressure is restored and the filter is clean