There is nothing more inviting than a clean and sparkling home swimming pool, but what do you need to do to keep it that way? Thankfully, there are a few easy tips that can help to prevent your turquoise heaven from becoming green gunk. Here’s the easy way to get it right.
1) Keep a Maintenance Schedule
Successfully maintaining a pool doesn’t have to be difficult, but it does require consistency. The ideal maintenance schedule depends on factors such as how often the pool is used, how prone it is to contamination from leaves and soil, and the quality of the filtration units. As a general rule, pools should be fully cleaned and have their water levels checked weekly to ensure water health.
2) Keep On Top Of Water Circulation
Circulation prevents water from becoming stagnant, with inadequate circulation raising the risk of troublesome algae blooms. Filtration systems are the critical mechanical component, and inefficiencies can result in a host of costly circulation problems. To keep filters in good health, ensure that the water level is regularly topped up, run the units even when the pool is not in regular use, and ensure that they are professionally inspected every six months.
3) Keep The Water Clean
Water balance is a delicate art. Pools require regular chemical maintenance to ensure that the water is clean without causing harmful irritations, and this can be achieved with a combination of test strips and easy-to-use agents. However, there are a few additional steps that can be taken to make the process easier. For instance, installing a UV system onto the filtration system can zap harmful bacteria and fungal spores, keeping water safer for longer.
4) Keep It Covered
There are a multitude of reasons why all pools should have a cover. By keeping the heat in, covers are highly energy efficient, and they can also increase pool safety. When it comes to maintenance, the right cover can prevent water levels from dipping to unsafe depths and can limit the amount of biological debris such as leaves that can contaminate the pool. With the right cover, maintenance therefore becomes a lot easier and cost-effective.
5) Have a Professional Pool Health-Check
Unless the entire system is working properly, pool chemistry can become unbalanced very quickly. As such, the most cost-effective and reliable maintenance method is to opt for professional health-checks, a strategy that identifies potential problems long before they become visible. For instance, filters may subtly underperform for months before they reach a point of critical failure, increasing the costs of routine maintenance and resulting in an expensive repair bill. If a professional identifies the problem early, it can often be fixed with minimal invasion.
Next Steps
Pool maintenance doesn’t have to be difficult, but by implementing a few simple strategies it is possible to keep a pool gleaming with minimal cost, time, and effort. To learn more about how to upgrade the amount of relaxation your pool offers, please have a chat with one of our home swimming pool maintenance and servicing team.
Image Source: Unsplash