This is a question we often get asked.
If the pool is a new build pool that is being constructed from blockwork. If the walls are built well and the pointing is all flush you may now need to render the walls.
Provided that the pool is being lined either with a bag liner or on site liner and you are going to use a quality felt under the liner.
Patterned liners are more forgiving than plain liners, and onsite liners are more forgiving than bag liners.
But for the point of this article, we will assume we need to render the pool walls and screed the pool floor.
Rendering The Pool Walls
We recommend when rendering the pool walls on a pool where a liner is to be fitted to use a building sand and cement mix. The mix should be 4 parts sand to 1 part cement. The easiest way to get great results is to install a run of battering along the top of the pool wall and a run of battering along the bottom of the pool. You can then apply your render to the walls and run your feather edge along these rails giving you a perfectly flat render. Once you have completed this let the render completely go off, remove the rails and fill these gaps in level to the render previously applied.
If you are going to be tiling the walls we recommend using Ardex AM100 to render the walls rather than sand and cement. But don’t forget, this needs to be waterproofed using Ardex S7 before tilling.
When we are screeding the pool, we recommend setting up battens on the floor to use as runners to get the right angles and falls. If you screed to these using your feather edge this will keep the screed nice and flat. Once the screed has gone off remove the battens and fill in these areas.
We recommend having a pre-mixed screed delivered, discuss your requirements with the company delivering the screed and they will be able to advise you on the best screed for your needs.
The screed should be a minimum of 50mm thick to avoid it cracking.
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